Funding for a LUE thesis and 20,000 euros of research costs has been granted for an international research partnership (IRP) between URAFPA and the University of Namur (Institute of Life, Earth and Environment, Belgium). This 4 year project starting in 2020 is dedicated to the study of the effects of domestication on fish well-being and reproduction.

URAFPA is also heading an INTERREG VA project, PERCIPONIE (2020-2022): Development of perciculture in aquaponics, with the partners University of Liege (Belgium), HTW des Saarlandes (Saarbrucken, Germany) and the LAE (l’UL), with a global budget of 1267000 euros (subsidy: 753,000 euros including 329,000 euros for the University of Lorraine).

Finally, URAFPA is a partner in the Perch EnviroEpigenetics project, funded by FWF (equivalent of the French ANR agency in Austria) and focusing on epigenetics and oocyte quality of the Eurasian perch (259,000 euros).