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Platform for functional and structural approaches to cellular interactions


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The ASIA technology platform “Functional and Structural Approaches to InterActions”.
Cellular”, located in the Faculty of Science and Technology, a
for the purpose of making technological resources accessible
for the study of the regulation of biological activities, and
physiological proteins. The tools available on the platform
s allow this study to be approached at different levels.

Find the tool you need!

Fields of application of the technologies available on the ASIA platform

The ASIA platform now gives access to various equipment
and human resources designed to provide a community of users with
high-level technological resources.

Attached to the Pôle Scientifique A2F, the ASIA platform is open,
and free access to all users regardless of their affiliation.
(public bodies, companies…).


  • DRX “SwitchSENSE”
  • ITC
  • ÄKTA pure
  • Lyophilisateur (Benchtop)
  • Broyeur cryogénique (Cryomill)
  • Concentrateur sous vide (mivac)
  • Flash Chromatographie
  • Distillateurs automatiques (Soxtherm)
  • Ultracentrifugeuse
  • Fibrebag
  • qPCR
  • Lecteur de microplaques (Ensight)
  • Néphélomètre (Néphélostar +)

Contact details

Operational Manager : Jean-Michel GIRARDET

Functional Manager : Emilie ROBERT

Phone :

Platform website :

Plateforme ASIA
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Campus Aiguillettes
BP 70239
54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex

ASIA is located at input 1B of the FST on level 6.


Platform bioavailability - bioactivity


The Bioavailability Bioactivity Platform (Bio-DA)’s main objective is to provide the biological models and expertise to evaluate and study the bioavailability or bioactivities of various types of molecules, including the characterization of positive or negative effects on the biological targets or models of interest.

Bio-DA is currently under evaluation for the StAR label to meet the quality goals of the INFRA+ program of the I-SITE Lorraine University of Excellence (LUE),

BioDA is available for scientific collaborations or contract services with partners in the public or private sector.

This platform, located at ENSAIA (Brabois UL campus, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy), provides the means of collaboration in numerous scientific projects, offering state-of-the-art equipment, the savoir-faire and in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models of bioavailability and bioactivities.

BioDA meets the technical and regulatory requirements applicable to establishments using animals for scientific purposes that are necessary for studies on bioavailability and bioactivity, and have acquired the certification by the appropriate agency.

The diversity of animal models and the equipment available at the platform allows multi-step approach: in vitro, in vivo or in silico, offering the possibility of experimentation in the various fields of expertise including:

  • Microfluidic models of organs
  • Cell line cultures (intesinal, neural),
  • Primary cultures of central nervous system cells
  • Tissue and cell imaging
  • In vitro environmental availability tests
  • In vitro bioaccessibility test
  • Relative bioavailability,
  • Absolute bioavailability and toxicokinetics
  • Evaluation of cognitive functions in mouse models.

Students (from L1 to PhD students) as well as research partners are able to work/train at the platform, within the context of research projects.

The in vivo validation of a bioaccessibility test (Denys et al., 2012 published in EST) for 3 metallic trace elements in the soil (As, Cd, Pb) conducted on the Bio-DA platform has been the subject of ISO standardization:

ISO 17924:2018 test: Soil quality – Assessment of human exposure from ingestion of soil and soil material – Procedure for the estimation of the human bioaccessibility/bioavailability of metals in soil.




  • Cell culture facilities for microfluidic models of organs
  • Two cell culture facilities for culture of cell lines (CaCO2, HT29X, etc.) and for primary culture of cells (cells isolated from the central nervous system)
  • Imaging facility (cryostat, confocal and laser dissection microscopes)
  • Sample preparation facilities (freeze-dryers, mills…)

Contact details

Dr Matthieu DELANNOY, Director of operations, Bio-DA; Tel.

Contact e-mail address:

Platform website :

Platform Bioavailability Bioactivity (Bio-DA) – ENSAIA – 2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye – 54500 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY

P3 mycology technical platform

P3 mycology technical platform


The mycology research unit of the ANSES plant health laboratory, under contract with INRAE (USC 1480), is in charge of the P3 mycology technical platform. This platform is designed for the manipulation of phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes, which are listed as quarantine organisms by the European Union (EU Regulation 2016-2031). It is a 25-m² confinement room where the atmosphere, as well as liquid and solid effluents are treated to avoid contamination of the external environment. Specific equipment and work procedures have been established to prevent any escape of these fungal parasites. This platform is monitored regularly and has been certified by the local prefecture (renewable every 5 years). It is entirely equipped allowing both microbiological and molecular biology manipulations. This platform enables the ANSES to carry out research work on these parasites, otherwise prohibited both in France and in the EU.

Contact details

ANSES LSV, unité de mycologie
Domaine de Pixérécourt, Bâtiment E
54220 Malzéville


Platform for structural and metabolomic analysis


The PASM is affiliated with
– French metabolomics and fluxomics network
– University Greater Region

The PASM platform provides food and agronomic research with recent tools dedicated to the analysis of biomolecules, while integrating solutions for the preparation and purification of samples.

In particular, it is possible to carry out :

structural elucidations and assays of biomolecules and functionalized biomolecules
characterizations of enzymes and metabolic pathways by targeted analysis of primary and secondary metabolites
micropollutant dosages
metabolism studies of organic pollutants
characterizations of microorganisms

A wide range of biomolecules of various origins (plant, animal, microbial) can thus be studied qualitatively and/or quantitatively.

PASM’s main objective is to provide technical and scientific support for research work in the specific fields of purification and analysis of compounds.

The platform is part of the French network of metabolomics and fluxomics and is referenced in the Université Grande Région.


  • LC-MS « LTQ-Orbitrap »
  • Maldi-Tof/ToF
  • GC-MS
  • UHPLC-MS simple quadripole
  • LC flash (purification)
  • HPLC semi-préparative (purification)
  • LC préparative basse pression
  • Lyophilisateur échelle pilote
  • HPLC nanospotter (prep automatisée des spots Maldi)
  • ultracentrifugeuse

Contact details

2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20163
54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy


Experimental Aquaculture Platform


The Experimental Platform in Aquaculture supports the activities of research project « Domestication in Inland Aquaculture » of the research unit « Animal and Functionality of Animal Products » (UR AFPA).

In accordance with the quality approach of Lorraine University, the experimental platform has been one of the ten research facilities that have been labeled in 2019 with the highest level of recognition (three stars) by Lorraine University.

This experimental platform allowed UR AFPA to integrate European network AQUAEXCEL 2020 (2015-2020) then AQUAEXCEL 3.0 (2020-2025). This network aims at pooling most effective aquaculture research facilities (17 partners, 11 countries), including production systems, major fish species and disciplinary fields in aquaculture.

The platform is accessible to any proposal of collaboration from research laboratories or companies. These last years, scientists from Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, have accessed our infrastructures to do research works.

 To perform his research works, DAC team has, from April 2014, an 800 m2 Experimental Platform in Aquaculture (PEA) on the campus of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (54500 France).

This platform meets the technical and regulatory requirements governing user establishments of animals dedicated to scientific purposes to conduct experiments on domestication of new freshwater fish species (for example common perch, pikeperch) in recirculating aquaculture systems. It is certified by the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations (approval number : C54-547-18).

The diversity of species, life stages, biological traits, potentially studied, provides the opportunity to conduct numerous experiments in various fields such as nutrition, growth, well fare, genetics of fish or mixing of species in farmed conditions, and  allows to answer numerous questions of fish farmers.

In the context of European network AQUAEXCEL (2015-2020), scientists from different European countries accessed PEA to conduct experiments : Belgium (Namur University), Hungary (Szent István University), Poland (Polish Academy of Sciences) and Czech Republic (University of South Bohemia).

Each year, as part of continuing education, an additional training course in animal experimentation on fish is organized. Courses have also been delivered to Moroccan, Indonesian and North Korean colleagues.

Some examples of carried out works

  • Optimization of larval rearing protocol for pikeperch (European project DIVERSIFY, 2013-2018).
  • Effects of photoperiod on common perch reproduction (AQUAEXCEL).
  • Effects of lipidic diet on reproduction success in common perch (FEAMP PERCIHATCH, 2018-2021)
  • Effects of temperature during pre-ovulatory phase on reproduction quality in male common perch and consequences on sperm cryopreservation.
  • Optimization of growing out protocol in common perch in RAS conditions (SARL Lucas Perches)



(3,2 M euros, funding from FEDER – Lorraine University – UR AFPA – Conseil Régional de Lorraine)

  • Technical installations (200m2) with climatic engineering equipment (temperature regulating unit, air handling unit, blowers and boilers)
  • 16 identical and independent rooms (10m2) called ecotrons (figure 2) each containing a breeding tank (2m3 useful volume) in RAS conditions. A LED lighting allows to simulate dawn and dusk to cope with current research work. These ecotrons allow to conduct a multifactor approach.
  • Acclimatization room with six 1700 liters tanks.
  • Hatchery room (figure 3) with two incubation tables (each containing 60 racks)
  • Larval rearing station (figure 4) composed of ten 700 liters tanks in RAS conditions.
  • Live prey rearing room.
  • Laboratory dedicated to water physical and chemicals analyses and to experimental sampling.
  • Computer station for Centralized Technical Management allowing the control of environmental parameters and remote monitoring of functioning to achieve optimal security of animals and proper management of experimental protocols. The equipment controlled by CTM allows a highly accurate regulation of key factors for fish reproduction such as temperature (±0,1°C regulation) and light (photoperiod and light intensity ±1lux). These parameters can be individually controlled all over the 20 rooms of the platform.
  • In an adjacent building, an annex contains two rooms, one, thermoregulated, is occupied by five mini hatcheries individually controlled, the other is dedicated to the study of behavior (larvae and juveniles).

Contact details

Operational references :

  • Dr HDR Sylvain MILLA, head leader of DAC team ; Tél.

  • Daniel KRAUSS, Research engineer

Experiments coordination and finance management of PEA. ; Tél.

  • Yannick LEDORE, Research assistant engineer

Technical and biological management of PEA. ; Tél.

  • Dr HDR Marielle THOMAS, Competence for wild fauna.

Person in charge of animal experimentation establishment. ; Tél.

Plateform websites:

Informations on AFPA Unit Research and DAC team are available here :     

Plateforme Expérimentale en Aquaculture PEA
bâtiment 1er cycle
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de Nancy
Boulevard des Aiguillettes
BP 70239



At the University of Lorraine, all the experimental facilities for plant cultivation are structured as a federative platform on 3 sites of the University: ENSAIA, Faculty of Science and Technology, Brixoux Campus and entitled Plateforme Expérimentale Phytotronique de Lorraine (PEPLor) (Lorraine Phytotronic Experimental Platform).

Contact details

Plateforme Expérimentale Phytotronique de Lorraine, PEPLor

Responsible : Alexandre OLRY
03 72 74 40 62

Platform website :

ENSAIA, 2 avenue de la Forêt de Haye, BP20163
54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy


Ecogenomics platform


The Functional Ecogenomics Technical Platform (PTEGF) brings together equipment dedicated to the study of forest ecosystems and tree-microbe interactions using genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics and fluorescence imaging tools.  

It is part of the Tree-Microorganism Interactions (IAM) joint research unit and is located on the INRAE campus in Champenoux.


Genomics and Transciptomics

Quality control of nucleic acids

  • Fragment Analyzer
  • TapeStation 2200
  • Nanodrop 1000
  • Qubit 2.0

Nucleic acid analysis

  • Droplet Digital PCR system
  • SeqStudio Genetic analyzer
  • qPCR Rotorgene
  • Pipetting robot Qiagility
  • qPCR StepOnePlus
  • qPCR Mic


  • Computer cluster
  • Storage devices


Our microscopy devices have been integrated into the Imaging-Microscopy lab of SILVATECH.

Contact details

Responsible : Annegret Kohler

Research Engineer-INRAE


Platform website :

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Centre INRAE Nancy-Lorraine
Route d’Amance
54280 Champenoux


Silvatech platform


SILVATECH is an infrastructure dedicated to the analysis of samples derived from different parts of the ecosystem (trees and wood, water, soil). It offers a broad range of technologies and methods, the original combination of which enables the structures, properties and biological functions of the living tree within its ecosystem to be deciphered through to the use of wood as a material, ranging from the molecular scale up to a forest stand scale. SILVATECH offers expertise and a methodological development capability for scientific programmes relating to functional ecology, ecophysiology, biogeochemistry and wood sciences.


SILVATECH organises its analysis and development services in 3 connected technological clusters, which rely on well-equipped, open units or preparation workshops (2.1 FTE):

  • Isotopy-chemistry cluster (7.2 FTE): Linking of standard or isotopic mass spectrometry, chromatography, plasma and elemental techniques coupled with standard of isotopic mass spectrometry, devoted to the isotopic, mineral, molecular through to macromolecular analysis of complex matrices (wood, sap, leaves, soil, water). 
  • Imaging-microscopies cluster (3.1 FTE): High-resolution electronic and confocal imaging, electronic cryomicroscopy, mineral X-ray microanalyses, histology and photonic microscopy.
  • X-ray imaging cluster (3.1 FTE): computed tomographic scanner, ITRAX, microdensitometry, X-ray diffraction. 

Contact details

Nicolas ANGELI
Research Engineer-INRAE

Contact e-mail address:

Platform website:

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Centre Grand-est INRAE
Route de l’arboretum
54280 Champenoux

The other experimental devices of the A2F cluster