This Tuesday, April 27 was published in the magazine Factuel of the University of Lorraine, an article about the switchSENSE technology. This technology has been available since 2017 on the “Functional and Structural Approaches to Cellular Interactions” platform: ASIA.
The presence of this innovative technology on a platform of the A2F scientific cluster had not yet been mentioned in the University of Lorraine’s daily news. Yet this cutting-edge device is only available in three research organizations in France!
The article explains the interest of the method as well as its principle in a language accessible to the greatest number of people. We hope that this initiative will contribute to the democratization of the technique and boost the visibility of the ASIA platform.
We invite you to read the article available here:
You can also visit the website of the platform by following this link: https://a2f.univ-lorraine.fr/asia/