This PhD work will be realised in the framework of the PRCI ANR project TreeTrace, which is a bilateral research project involving France (funded by the ANR) and Austria (funded by the FWF) for a duration of three years 2018-2020.
One objective of this project is to develop image analysis tool, able to process rough log end images , in order to assist the expert at the sawmill for the grading of logs in the different quality classes. Such a tool could help small and medium-sized sawmills to become more competitive by using more accessible technologies than CT scanners.
The PhD candidate could be either a student in computer science very interested by wood, wood quality and wood industry, or a student in forest or wood sciences very motivated and interested in software programming and image analysis, and ready to invest massively in this discipline applied to the study of wood material.
Host laboratory
The PhD student will be mainly based in Nancy, North-East of France. The main location will be at INRA, centre Grand Est – Nancy, with the possibility to spend time at Loria (Université de Lorraine, UL), to discuss depending on the profile of the candidate.
The PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Loria and AMPT.
•INRA/AgroParisTech : Fleur Longuetaud (
•Loria/UL, ADAGIo team : Isabelle Debled-Rennesson (
•AMPT : Robert Collet (
Modalities to apply
The beginning of the PhD is planned for September 2018 but if a Master student would be interested to apply, it could eventually be possible to postpone the start of the PhD contract. Deadline for the application: 31/05/2018